Wednesday, 26 September 2007


You don't know what meecing is you say...? It's something I used to do every night - go out micing, and come home with the goodies. Some like to call micing hunting, but meecing sounds so much stylish... and I'm a stylish kitty!

Sadly I do not go meecing anymore... We're moved and I'm now not allowed outside... I hate momma and poppa! They are evil moving house like that! Let me out! I'm a big boy, and can take of myself.

I used to blog at MyTypes, so if you want to (of course you want to!) you can see my older blog enteries there.


LZ said...

Well hello! I will have to go check out your older posts, its nice to have you around!


Sunny's Mommy said...

Haha! This picture is soooo funny!