I't enough to drive a handsome beast like me insane... the alarms went off at 9:30 this morning... and unlike normally they didn't go off again.
I really don't like the alaram, it very, very loud, and I'm not very keen on loud noises (don't get me started on fireworks - evil things they are!).
In the end I though that momma might be scared laying in bed cursing the blooming alarm and trying to get another half hour of sleep, so I decided to jump under the covers to protect her.
Smeg-head was under the bed, as she doesn't like the alarm either (this we actually agree on, that, and that shrimp is yummy).
In the end momma got up, I quickly followed her to keep her safe, and smeg-head also follwed us. So, we sat like plonkers on the sofa (me of course protecting the females) until the alarm went off... only for it to come on again 5 minutes later!
By this time momma was checking her e-mails, so I hurried up to protect her, by jumping all over the keyboard.
After I'd protected momma enough to know she was safe and that is wasn't really too dangerous, I decided to go in the courtyard... luckily there was less noise there.
Hopefully the blasted thing will stay off for the rest of the day, so I don't have to sit on mommas lap to keep her safe!
Me in the courtyard: